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Migno: "The podium a year ago in Argentina was for nothing, MotoGP my restart"

INTERVIEW - "Last year I was the only Italian to make the podium in Moto3, but it wasn't enough, for a seat in CEV Moto2 they ask you for 200,000 euros. After Qatar Bezzecchi was desperate, I spoke to him as a friend, he is often too hard on himself"

MotoGP: Migno:

Just over a year ago this time, Andrea Migno was celebrating a podium finish at the Argentine GP at Termas de Rio Hondo in Moto3. Now, instead, he is living a sort of second life in the MotoGP paddock: he is not wearing a helmet for now because he is busy between video and trackside as a coach assistant and video analysis for the Pertamina VR46 team in MotoGP.

We talked about this and much more with the man himself during the week-long break in MotoGP before flying to Barcelona. In the chat shared with Andrea, the Romagnolo turns out as always to be blunt and direct, analyzing reality without mincing words.

"To tell the truth, I am already in Barcelona," he told us, "this weekend I am here with the Pasini team along with Agostinelli, Gabarrini and Tamburini, who are involved in JuniorGP. I hold the position of coach, although I don't like it very much as a term. However, I'm putting all the experience accumulated over the years on two wheels at their disposal."

Andrea, how are you doing in general?
"Although I'm not racing, let's say that in general I'm doing pretty good. Since this year I have held the position of assistant coach and data analysis for Pertamina VR46 and I am very happy to have had this opportunity, in fact I am particularly grateful to Uccio for involving me in the project."

What exactly do you do?
"Together with Idalio Gavira I go to the trackside to record our riders in action, afterwards we do analysis work to understand where they are struggling and how to improve. It is a job that allows me to experience motorcycle racing from a different perspective, trying to get to the needs of Bezz and Diggia to help them in the sections where they are suffering and as a result improve."

You mentioned Bezz. How come he struggled so much at the beginning of the season with the GP23?
"We saw last year riders like Pecco suffer with the GP23, and Marco also charged over the winter and at the beginning of this season. He then is someone who is very severe with himself, since he is not satisfied and always wants more, considering amongst other things that last year he was lapping with these times in Argentina and France."

What kind of rider is Bezzecchi?
"Bezz is first and foremost a friend, a true person. When he wears the helmet he becomes a rider who throws his heart over the obstacle. During the winter, however, he suffered in getting the bike tailor-made for him, because he was used to other dynamics. He got a great podium in Jerez, but in my opinion he still doesn't have that 100 percent confidence with the GP23 and even he is aware of that. The aspect he has struggled the most is confidence with the front end."

What did you do to help him?
"Bezz after Qatar was desperate because he had no confidence with the bike while others were able to be more competitive. I remember we were in the room together in Losail and I simply spoke to him as a friend, telling him that everything was not as bad as he saw it and he was slowly improving, even though from the outside you couldn't see it. In Portimao he then did a good qualifying and in Jerez he got on the podium. He was competitive at Le Mans as well, but unfortunately he crashed and he got pretty pissed off. As I said before, Bezz is someone who is very hard on himself and does not accept the current position in correlation to last season. Beyond that, he is a real character, capable of creating a favorable environment around him, as well as having great tenacity and determination."

Andrea, let's talk about you again. How hard is it to watch others race?
"I can't deny that it's been tough, as I faced several really shitty moments last year. Obviously I'm sorry about all that, because in 2023 I was the only Italian to get on the podium in Moto3, but in the end it was for nothing. I certainly don't want to carry a briefcase to race or do it for free, because in the end when you do a job you have to get paid."

What would Migno do if he had a magic wand in his hand?
"I certainly don't give up the ambition of wanting to race again, because I still feel like a racer and I'm aware of what I can give. I live the days without making long-term plans. However, I would like to test with Moto2 to get to know the bike and prepare myself as best I can. The thing is that the costs are really important, because in a CEV they ask you for 200,000 euros to do tests and seven races. It's definitely not easy, but I'm not giving up. For sure in 2023 I faced several difficult moments, but this new adventure in MotoGP is a rebirth, because it allowed me to start again from the front door."

In the meantime, MigBabol was born.
"Exactly! Sometimes you have to reinvent yourself, and I came up with this idea, which I later shared with some of my friends, including Filippo. So we decided to launch this podcast where we talk and say things about the riders between anecdotes and backstories. The idea was born last September, but only this year we started putting it all together. The name takes its cue from Big Babol (chewing gum, ed.), because I went through a period chewing them all the time last year, and I hope everyone likes it."

When will we see Valentino?
"I don't know yet, but we couldn't fail not to invite Vale."


Translated by Julian Thomas

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