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MotoGP, Austin racetrack transformed into a Covid-19 vaccination center

In Texas, the administration thought of using the Cota by turning it into a giant drive-in. Among the first to be inoculated is our fellow MotoGP photographer Andrew Wheeler

MotoGP: Austin racetrack transformed into a Covid-19 vaccination center

Few words. The Circuit of the Americas (COTA) track in Austin has been transformed into the primary distribution vehicle for Covid-19 vaccines.

"I dream. Sometimes I think it's the only right thing to do," said Travis County Judge Andy Brown and other Central Texas leaders. The goal is to provide 50,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine per week in the area and at least 800,000 total vaccinations by July 1.

Among the first to be vaccinated at the track where he took many of his magnificent photos is fellow resident Andrew Wheeler, pictured here in a photo from his facebook profile receiving his dose of vaccine. Bravo Andrew!

MotoGP photographer Andrew Wheeler as he receives his dose of vaccine


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