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Moto3, Romano Fenati misses the first tests in Qatar: Coronavirus? No, flu!

MOTO3 / MOTO2 TIMES: The fake news had spread in Losail. In fact, Romano will be on the track as planned, but has been suffering with a simple sore throat!

Moto3: Romano Fenati misses the first tests in Qatar: Coronavirus? No, flu!

The Coronavirus paranoia has now also reached MotoGP, and while the Grand Prix is ​​confirmed as going ahead on March 8 in Doha (Qatar), Dorna has informed everyone of a special procedure for flights arriving from Italy or Japan.

Nothing particularly drastic, just the usual temperature control. To make the procedure easier, however, Dorna has very professionally asked us to send them our personal information to facilitate checks.

In the meantime, in Losail, after Romano Fenati had been missing from the tests, rumours immediately spread that he had been hit by the Chinese virus.

A quick phone call clarified the facts however: Romano has had a check and found to simply have a sore throat and the last symptoms of slight flu and will arrive at the circuit shortly.

Below you can find the first times of the Moto2 / Moto3 sessions.

An updated list of countries under investigation:

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